You are a king, if you know how to rule yourself.
Will-power is the greatest driving force in man. It helps him get through all the difficulties in life. Will-power is the most essential ingredient of success. It enables a person to find a way to overcome the obstacle in his path. He continues his journey towards his chosen goal. A man who loses heart at the sight of failure can never achieve his goal. But a man who is determined to attain his objectives is not disheartened by failures. One should not lose heart during adversities. The real essence of life lies in struggle. Determination and calmness help a person in his Endeavour. They provide him inspiration to achieve success. A wise man accepts the challenges of life with a calm mind. Our ancient scriptures also advocate that one should do one' duty with determination. One should have a firm determination to strive and win.
Have you ever logged onto Facebook and found yourself, 20 minutes later, wondering what you went there to check on? With endless possibilities to get distracted by today, we need discipline more than ever before. Every day, we are tested. Whether it's a cookie tempting us from our diets or a warm bed coaxing us to sleep late, we are forced to decide between what we want to do and what we ought to do. The ability to resist our impulses is described as self-control or willpower. The importance of will-power is recognized by most men, yet few deliberately give any time or thought to its development. Why we resist one thing and yield to another may be due to "the strongest motive," but what more particularly concerns us in the study of self-confidence is in what way this mighty power can be built and directed. Many people believe they could improve their lives if only they had more of that mysterious thing called willpower. Willpower is what separates us from the animals. It's the capacity to restrain our impulses, resist temptation — do what’s right and good for us in the long run, not what we want to do right now. It’s central, in fact, to civilization. At its essence, willpower is the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals.
Give yourself reasons to believe in yourself. Think back on the many challenges you have mastered, especially when you stumbled along the way. If your goal is important enough to you, chances are you can achieve it, and a little more faith in your willpower could help.
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